Powervault Tl4000 Dedicated Cleaning Slot


Dell TY339 W7WJ6 TY339 W7WJ6 X617D XP2V5 VHTKX PowerVault TL4000 LTO Tape Library 48-slot Tested by our technicians. Contact MidWest Technical for TL4000 LTO tape drives. TL4000 Library can be configured with the following: 1 or 2 LTO 3 SCSI Full-Height Drives. 1 or 2 LTO 3 FC4 Full-Height Drives. 1 or 2 LTO 4 3Gb SAS Full Height.


Powervault Tl4000 Dedicated Cleaning Slot Software

Not quite sure if I have the exact solution for you but I had a very similar problem with BackupExec 12.5 & a Dell TL4000 tape library (2x LTO3 drives/48 slots) which only started after I upgraded BE to 12.5.

Called both Symantec & Dell. Symantec basically went through diagnosis to determine that the issue wasn't theirs !!


Did diags with Dell and they reckoned that both drives in the library had been trashed by the drives having been cleaned too often. Dell said that they wouldn't normally replace the drives but then proceeded to anyway. They recommended either that either:

Powervault Tl4000 Default Password

  • Have a cleaning tape mounted in the dedicated cleaning slot of the TL4000 and set the library to auto-clean
  • or get rid of the dedicated cleaning slot and setup Backup Exec to clean the drives

Dell Powervault Tl2000 Tape Library


Personally I reckoned that it was BE 12.5 that was causing the problem as I hadn't had this issue with 11.5. I think BE 12.5 was somehow mounting the cleaning tape in some hidden inventory operation.

I have subsequently upgraded to BE 2010 and hoping I'm not going to see a reoccurence of this issue.

Dell Powervault Tl2000

Hope something in here may help you.