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Question on Amarr Coercer destroyer fits. Sniper, PVP, PVE
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Odesa Kaine
Hello, I'm still very new to EVE. Ive been reading these posts on Destroyers for awhile and I love mine. I was wondering is there a such thing as a Coercer sniper fit with or without lasers? I'm pretty deep into laser skills atm and I'm training amarr ships. If not could someone give me advice on a few Coercer PVP and PVE fits as well that would be great.
Another question. what is the benefit of training destroyers to a higher level? I didn't see any description details in my training book other than 'Skill at operating Destroyers.' not sure what that exactly improves. Thanks in advance

Ditch the Coercer and fly a cruiser.
Dessies are fairly useless.

Odesa Kaine
Edited by: Odesa Kaine on 27/04/2009 21:10:55
Although I am working on cruisers atm, I like flying destroyers for t1 missions. Just more of a fun ship for me. I also want to play with being able to sit at100km+ and shoot crap although I have no idea how to do this atm. Any fit info would be appreciated ty!.

Lisento Slaven
The Drekla Consortium
Coercer to me is like...a rabid beast with short range claws.
Fit pulse and a speed mod in the midslot...then just run at your target and nomnmnomnomnom.
Works pretty good if someone else is distracting the target. Once they aim at you though...most ships will pop you in a few vollies =(

Odesa Kaine
Edited by: Odesa Kaine on 27/04/2009 21:16:02
I was reading the destroyer thread and people where talking about 200km+ sniper builds for cats and other class destroyers. Does the same not hold true for the Corcer? atm I'm just doing t1 missions but id like to play with the sniper build.
I keep rats at 30km and kill em in missions, seems to work good.

The Cormorant can push past 100k+ optimal with T2 Rails and Spike S, but it requires very high gunnery skills, T2 weapon upgrades, T2 Electronics, etc. A Coercer doesn't have the mid slots to support that range, but 60+km is doable. Most Amarr T1 sub battleships don't have the midlots to act as snipers to be honest. Their strength is their pulse lasers being higher damage weapons with respectable range. Amarr Battleships are some of the best snipers around, but again require a lot of time into gunnery to achieve it.

Genos Occidere
[Cormorant, Pew]
Micro 'Vigor' I Core Augmentation
Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range
Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range
[empty high slot]
150mm Railgun II, Spike S
150mm Railgun II, Spike S
150mm Railgun II, Spike S
150mm Railgun II, Spike S
150mm Railgun II, Spike S
150mm Railgun II, Spike S
150mm Railgun II, Spike S
Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
[empty rig slot]
Will reach out and touch 107km with its incredible 76 DPS. Too bad a battleship will still instapop you at that range.

Odesa Kaine

Chainsaw Plankton
Posted - 2009.04.28 01:41:00 - [9]
this should shred level 1 missions. I pretty much always picked up more cap boosters then I used. will even do a few level 2 missions.
[Coercer, Pve]
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Small Armor Repairer II
Small Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 200
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
for pvp, go with the pulse lasers, you should be able to kill pretty much any frigate, as long as you can get it in range

Icarus Flame
The Tuskers
Here is your coercer pvp fit:
8x Dual Lights w/ Scorch S
2x Heat Sink
400mm plate
Sadly, this fit also makes the Retribution as obsolete as the Caracal makes the Hawk. The only reason to fly the AF is agility, which is a sad excuse tbh.

Tesh Sevateem
Orbital Technology Syndicate
Originally by:Odesa KaineAnother question. what is the benefit of training destroyers to a higher level? I didn't see any description details in my training book other than 'Skill at operating Destroyers.' not sure what that exactly improves. Thanks in advance
Check the Description tab of your Destroyer ('Show Info' -> 'Description'). The bottom part of every ship description text tells you what it means to train that particular skill (in this case the skill in question is 'Destroyers'). As you can see, you get:
Destroyer Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Small Energy Turret tracking speed and -10% reduction in Small Energy Turret Capacitor usage per level
So with Destroyers at level V, you'd get +50% SET tracking speed and -50% Cap use from SET's.

Originally by:Chainsaw Planktonthis should shred level 1 missions. I pretty much always picked up more cap boosters then I used. will even do a few level 2 missions.
[Coercer, Pve]
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Small Armor Repairer II
Small Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 200
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
Dual Light Beam Laser II, Multifrequency S
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
for pvp, go with the pulse lasers, you should be able to kill pretty much any frigate, as long as you can get it in range

This is actually a quite fun setup to use, works well for lvl 2s too, I used an ab in the mid tho, and put some laser rigs on it (obviously not cost efficient). If you manage to survive it'll complete almost all lvl 2s (all but the very cruiser heavy) faster than any cruiser.

E villMonkeigh
Ignore the haters mate - if you like 'em, fly em. Destroyers are IMO the 'funnest' class of ships.
I don't know much about Coercer as I don't fly mine in pvp. Pulses with Scorch are awesome on my other Amarr ships so I suspect would lay on hurt from 10-15k. You have only 1 mid (for MWD) which is why I would personally never use one; I use a Thrasher instead.
You need destroyer 5 to shine at pvp; which opens up the Interdictor class (benefit of training to high level). However Amarr dessies and dictors have bad slot layouts etc so I wouldn't bother unless you love the Coercer to bits.
If you like destroyers and are willing to cross-train, go Minnie. Otherwise I have to agree with the others and suggest a cruiser (Arbitrater's are versatile but if you have laser skills then Omen/Maller are passable) as a better career move, and head for the Zealot HAC or Apocalypse BS if you want to 'snipe'.

Oct 09, 2016  empty high slot Small Ancillary Current Router I. empty rig slot Griffin Navy Issue, Griffin NI Alpha. Amarr Alpha Clone - PvP Fittings - Frigates and Destroyers - EVE Online.

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  1. This guide describes the various types of modules and rigs that can be inserted into your ship slots, in summary form. For general advice on how best to select the right modules or rigs for your ship, see this article on Fitting Guidelines.
  2. empty med slot Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I. Improved Cloaking Device II empty high slot Medium Trimark Armor Pump II. Medium Trimark Armor Pump II. This is just a suggestive fit to work on from, its very basic. But 136k ehp, 208k OH, 1064m/s with OH mwd to get you back to gate, and cloak for random afking or confuse enemy, or simply.
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Ships and Modules
Modules by Power Slot
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Tau Cabalander
Edited by: Tau Cabalander on 19/05/2009 18:07:19
Is there a database somewhere of modules by power slots?
For example, I'm often trying to figure out what to stuff into empty high-power slots. I like the Drone Link Augmentor, but can rarely fit it. I stuffed in a small armor repper for drones, which was handy but made me realize what the Multitasking skill was useful for (keeping drones targeted). Other than sheild repper, cloaks, tractors, and salvagers, what else is there?

Heavy Risk...
Not that I know of. You could simply use EFT or EVEMon to get yourself a list of modules in general and figure out their slots by yourself. There are many exceptions but here is a super generalized list you can use to get an idea:
High Slot:
Weapons (Turrets and Launchers)
Remote Repairers/Transfers (Remote Armor Repairers, etc)
Salvagers/Tractor Beams
Energy Neutralizers/Nosferatu
Mid Slot:
Propulsion Modules (Afterburners and Microwarpdrives)
Shield Tanking Modules (Shield Extenders, Shield Boosters, Shield Hardeners)
Electronic Warfare Modules (ECM, Warp Scramblers, Statis Webifiers, Remote Sensor Dampeners, Sensor Boosters, etc)
Cap Recharging Modules (Cap Recharger)
Low Slot:
Armor Tanking Modules (Damage Control, Armor Plates, Armor Repairers, Armor Hardeners, etc)
Cap Recharging Modules (Cap Power Relay, Power Diagnostic Units, etc)
Shield Tanking Support Modules (Power Diagnostics Units, Shield Rechargers)
Weapons Modifications (Magnetic Field Stabilizers, Ballistic Control Systems, Tracking Enhancers, etc)

Digerati Daxx
EveMon will let you filter ship modules by slot and even CPU or powergrid amounts.

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